Monday, January 5, 2009

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and anything else I missed

I have really been slacking on the posts lately. We have been out of town visiting relatives and since my hubby was not with me I didn't get any pictures of my grandparents since I was too busy keeping Liam out of all their stuff ( in their non-baby-proofed houses) oh well. I did (okay my husband did) get some on Christmas day so it isn't a total loss. I think I am starting to get the hang of this two kid thing. Liam is such a good sleeper and napper and I am very thankful. He is very busy during the day so he needs to rest up in between. He is so chatty and just jabbers away all the time. Yesterday in church I had to walk out for a minute because he was so loud and I could hear people laughing and looking at him. He loves to go back and forth with you imitating noises and when he is really happy he just holds his mouth wide open for several seconds. It is so cute. Jade has been doing so much better with Liam and she actually said she liked him the other day. She also loves to be my helper with him. Today I was changing him and she said, "I lotion baby brother" and before I could see what she was doing she was rubbing butt cream all over his face. She has been saying the funniest stuff lately. Today I told her we needed to go to Wal*mart and she said, "I no like Wal*mart. I like Targ*et." I didn't think a three year old would know the difference but I guess I was wrong. Then in Targ*et (yes we ended up there instead) she saw this pink blanket she liked and said, "I no pee on this one." (since she had an accident in the bed last night) so she must of really liked it. Oh yeah and while we were visiting my grandparents my mom taught her to say, "Shut your pie-hole Peanut." (this is my mom's Pomeranian) so guess what she has been randomly blurting out lately. I need to write down all the funny stuff she says so I don't forget it. So here are some random pictures from Christmas up until now. (Can you tell the nice camera from the cheap one? what a difference!)

Presents Rock!! (and she has been saying, " I want Christmas again" everyday since)

This present tastes good.

Working my first present.

Santa at Grandma and Grandpa L's house.

Grandma S, Jade and Peanut. (I think my mom is enjoying this more than Jade)

My girly daughter wearing her stor*m tropper costume with light save*r, lol.

There's that open mouth toothless sign of happiness.

The new Fam.

Who gave this kid a lemon. That is so cruel but hilarious!

Liam and Jonah, best buds and only a week apart. (They say friends that chew things together stay together, or something like that.)


Laurie and Travis said...

Priceless pictures!! Glad to hear Jade is warming up to her big job...big sister;) Belated Merry Christmas to your adorable family.

Kelli said...

Love all of the pictures. Aiden has the same open mouth look. Jade sounds like she is doing a great job as the big sister. And she is right, Target is better (although I frequent walmart as well).

Erica said...

I am so jealous of your good sleeper! Can I borrow him for a while to show the other Liem how it's done?

janice said...

Happy New Year you guys!!! I love what Jade said about 'no pee' on the blanket as a plus to get you to buy it.