Saturday, March 28, 2009

Fear Fa*ctor, here we come!

My brother decided to have a get together yesterday to try out different "interesting" food items. He had many of his friends over so we decided to join in the fun to see who would be gaging first. My brother and I have been wanting to bust out the Dorian fruit to see what it tastes like so why not include some other questionable items and make it a "dare ya to eat it" party. We wanted to wait till it was warmer outside because the fruit smells putrid. We saved it for last but actually it was not the worst tasting item on the menu. Smelliest, yes. Worst tasting. no. The worst tasting to me was the least smelliest. go figure.
Fermented soy bean, hmmm. The word fermented should be your first warning.
Ji enjoying food from her homeland
You mix it with mustard and soy sauce and it becomes gooey.
Oh yeah, that is nasty!!!
The Dorian
My bro getting a big 'ol bite.
The face says it all, lol.
Thousand year old duck eggs. Not as bad as I thought it would be actually.

A whole fish.

Jade was excited but did not try much at all. I think our expressions scared her a little bit.
This is Liam's new favorite thing, hanging upside down.


Anonymous said...

Ok - ewwwwww!!!!!!!! Still, I appreciate the sense of adventure! Did I say, ewwwwwww!?!?!? Teehee.

Kelli said...

You are a much stronger woman than me! I just wouldn't be able to do it! Aiden loves hanging upside down too!

Kate said...

ACKKKKK! There should have been a disclaimer on this post! :)

Erica said...

That's awesome! You guys were pretty brave, but I am glad you were outside!