Monday, May 18, 2009

Has it already been 6 months!!!

Wow, I am a bad blogger! I just have had a lot of things come up lately. Plus the weather has been warmer so I just want to be outside a lot. I also have been on a reading binge. It all started with the Twil*ght Saga. Those books are all consuming. I just couldn't put them down. Then after that I wanted to read her other novel The H*ost. I really enjoy her books!
We got 3 new lenses for the camera so I hope to learn how to use them better. I did work for a photographer for 3 years when I was younger so you would think I would know more than I do. I should have used that opportunity to learn from her more.

Little man has been home now 6 months!!! Man does time fly!! I look at Jade and can't believe she is almost 4. Where did my baby go!! Liam is walking all over the place and getting into everything. I am very thankful that he is such a good sleeper and I think this is because he is so busy during his awake hours. He is also very verbal and loves to gibber jabber all day long. he can say a few words (mama, dada, baby, and a lot of boo boo, dee do, na, nahs all day long) He can also sign for more. He picked this up quickly when communicating that he wanted more food. He LOVES to eat, and solids now, no more puree for him. He only has 5 teeth but eats like he has a mouth full. I try to cut it really small because he shovels a handful in at a time.

Above are some pictures from the park a few days ago with one of my new lenses. It was cloudy so I hope to go back and get some neat ones using sun rays.


Kelli said...

Well, that means my 6 months is coming up soon- time goes by so fast. And your precious kids are getting so big and are absolutely gorgeous. Little Liam looks like a toddler now *sniff*. I would love to get together with you guys again (well, all 4 of you now) sometime. I miss all of our emailing...but I don't miss the stress! Great pictures by the way!

Anonymous said...

Happy 6 months home!!! It did fly by didn't it? Liam has grown so much!! Such a cutie....

LaLa said...

Such great pics of the kids. Our 6 months is coming up..can't believe it either!!

Annslee is 4.5 and so far 4 is my very favorite age... : )