Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Story Time.

Jade and I go to Story Time at the public library by our home for kids ages 2-5. The woman who teaches is a wonderful story teller, very animated. The first class of the season was last Wednesday and Jade pretty much was glued to my lap the whole time. This is typical Jade very hesitant to do something at first. Well today she was on my lap for about the first 5 minutes and then Ms. Laurie started a silly wiggle song and this must of sparked Jade's interest because she shot off my lap to the center of the room like her little bum was on fire. She was dancing, laughing, and having so much fun. Glad she has finally warmed up and is enjoying it.

Break it down, girlfriend!

Craft time.

Check out my bling.


Grandma S said...

Cinnamon, you are so funny! Those pictures made my day. I was just blogging for a class (creativity and science) zzzzz and then I read your blog. I was laughing out loud. That lady must be one good story teller to get Jade off your lap. What precious pictures!

Kate said...

Looks like she's having so much fun! Cutie!

Kelli said...

Fun! I was putting some pics in a...oh let's call it a book...from the big May picnic. I can't believe how much Jade has grown since then!

Laura said...

How fun! I'm glad she enjoyed herself.