Thursday, December 18, 2008

Warming up (slowly)

We are seeing small improvements in Jade's transition to her baby brother. It is funny I thought the big transition would be more difficult for him not her. He seems to be doing well and is on a good schedule (Jade has never been one much for those so it is kind of nice) He is sleeping through the night which is WONDERFUL. I have to admit lack of sleep is the worst. I just get so cranky without sleep. Jade only has recently started to sleep through the night and now is back to not doing it again but usually only gets up briefly. I lay with her each night and then go back into my room when she is asleep. Now she will burst into my room all anxiety ridden and sometimes wakes Liam up so I have left our doors wide open so she at least doesn't bang those. Then I am usually back in her room. I know that this is when she will display her anxiety about the transition the most so I am trying to be flexible. Tantrums have also increased but then again she is three. But today especially she has been showing more concern and tolerance for him instead of avoidance and annoyance. She wanted to feed him his bottle so I let her hold him for the last couple ounces. Then when he got up from a nap and was crying she wanted me to go get him. Lastly when he touched her today, as she was playing, she didn't freak she just said, "Here is your toy baby brother". It is nice to see some progress and I know some days will be better than others but it is good to at least see that we can have good days.

Liam loves to be carried around and held so I have not got much done besides basic needs. He cries a lot if I put him down and I know that he is still transitioning and it is important that I do hold him a lot now but boy do my arms hurt. I use my sling some times but it is not as useful as I thought it would be inside the house. Liam loves to go out (as he did in VN) He is doing so much better in the infant car seat so I try to take the kids out at least once a day. I am also starting to get his moods and wants down so this makes it easier too. Like for example he likes to be held after eating and a nap and then he will get down and play but don't do this right away and he gets mad (so now I know). He is very smiley and loves to interact repeating noises, playing peek-a-boo, and you can tickle him all day (he loves it). We have pictures tomorrow so we will see how that goes, lol.

Little mommy

Look we even have a hand on his head!

Little Santa


Kelli said...

I am glad to hear Jade is doing better with Liam. He is just a doll, especially in the Santa outfit. I hope you are able to share some of the pictures!

Kate said...

Sounds like things are going well. And Mister Santa is too cute!!!!!

kirsten said...

merry christmas and happy new year! just caught up with you and your beautiful family. continued prayers during this transition time. liam is just gorgeous!