Monday, March 9, 2009


We just got back from a trip to see some friends in Charlotte NC. The weather was beautiful!!! In the mid 70s and 80s blue skies, and low humidity. I mean does it get any better? We met our friends when we all adopted our daughters from China back in 2006. Jade and Lilly are from the same city in China so it is so neat to see them together. John had some job interviews as well. We may be moving there in the summer. We wanted to move there before but wanted to wait for our adoption of Li to be completed. It is a fun area with a lot to do and the weather is so much nicer then here. We came home to 40 and rainy, bummer. It was wonderful to see them and the girls had a blast!

Liam, Lilly and Jade

Lilly (aka Tootie or Shu Shu)

Jade is not into the swing but little man sure is!

The girls on Cisco. This is our friends oldest daughter's horse. (We have NEVER been able to get Jade to go near a horse before, go figure?)

We have a picture from a year and a half ago of the girls sitting on this exact seat on the porch.


Now: (Wow, how they have grow!)

This video is of the girls on the trampoline. If you listen carefully you can hear Jade say, "I love you Shu Shu." Too cute!!


Jessica said...

Looks like you had a great trip! And the weather! In the 70's! I may have to move there too. This has been a very long winter.

Kelli said...

I love Charlotte. I even have an aunt that lives there- now I might even have more of a reason to visit there!

Laura said...

Fun! Looks like the kiddos had a great time. Good luck with the job prospects - it sounds like a great place to live.

LaLa said...

What fun!! My inlaws live in Charlotte so let me know if you do move and we can meet up when we visit : )

Erica said...

Yeah! I am glad you are back blogging!

The kids look great and I love the photos.