Friday, March 20, 2009

A girl and a pen in the bathroom alone....

And you get some lovely artwork on the walls next to the potty. What else is a 3 1/2 year old going to do while "waiting", right. The funny thing is it's one of the best pictures she has ever drawn. I mean you can see eyes and a mouth. I had to take a picture before removing it.

It has been unseasonable warm the past week so we have been outside as much as possible. We went to a park with a protected wetland with our friends Josh, Jeanine and their son Jonah. The park is still muddy and wintry looking but it was blue skies and mid 60's so we got to see some animals out like this muskrat. (He was so cute!)

The beaver dams are really cool here.

Little man

Then we played outside since it was so nice. I need to get new sand for Jade's sandbox so she enjoyed the dirt in this pot on the porch. Of course she thought this was great. They had a bath a little early that day.

Getting a little windy

It is hard to get both kids smiling and looking at the camera at the same time so I was excited to get this one.


Laura said...

ha! love the bathroom wall artwork. it was a nice picture. I love the last photo of both of you sweeties - they're beautiful!

Jessica said...

I love that last photo! and the bathroom art. HA! so not looking forward to that!

Kelli said...

Jade is quite the artist- it was good work. Hopefully next time it will be on paper! Love the picture of the 2 of them. So sweet!