Thursday, August 14, 2008

First Cavities, Yikes!

I noticed a few months ago that Jade had these dark pits in the front of her two teeth. We went to the pediatric dentist and sure enough she had to have them filled. Well today was the day I have not been looking forward to. They told me they would use a restraining blanket so I was really worried how that was going to pan out (do the words restraining and blanket just not go together or is this me). She was fine until the drill started. Talk about horrible! She was crying and yelling for me. Then during the procedure they told me they had to put a crown on the one tooth so yes the fun continued even longer than we thought. She was crying, I was crying (and praying it would be over soon). I hope we don't have to do that ever again. Her teeth do look better, especially since they are her front teeth. The tooth with the crown has a little silver lining around the top near the gums. This kinda bums me out but the decay was pretty bad so they needed to strengthen it. I brush her teeth daily but I don't know if she genetically will have week teeth. I will have to look up ways to help prevent this further. I was going to talk to the dentist about it afterwards but I was so frazzled from the procedure I just wanted to pay and go. She is fine now. I thought she would be really crabby but maybe she is just glad it is over. I know I am!

By looking at her you would never have known where she just came from. What a trooper!


Kelli said...

What a brave little girl!

Kelli said...

Okay, I meant to add- I would have been screaming and crying too.

Grandma S said...

Look at those pearly whites! Poor little Jade. At least that dreaded day is now over! I don't know of anyone who likes going to the dentist.

Laura said...

Oh my gosh, poor little thing. The dentist is so traumatic. I have terrible teeth - I "came" with them - and I had nearly all of my baby teeth filled at least once. I was not a good patient. So Jade is a very, very brave girl. I do have to say that I wish I looked half as adorable as Jade after I've been to the dentist. I'm a nightmare as an adult and have to use nitrous to get through it, and my face is always swollen and nasty. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, I wish I looked half as adorable as Jade on any darn day. She's beautiful. Hopefully this is her last experience with cavities!