Monday, January 26, 2009

First Tooth & Happy New Year!

Liam finally has broken through his first tooth. It was hard to get a picture of it (especially without looking like we are prying his mouth open). This tooth has been working it's way out for weeks and now I think he is working the one next to it. Jade had 8 teeth when we adopted her so this is exciting to get to witness one of our child's first teeth.

We are planning on having a get together on Friday at my parent's house for Chinese New Year/Tet. This is the first one where we have both kids home so it is a special one. My brother is an amazing cook and loves Asian food so I can't wait to see what kind of Chinese and Vietnamese dishes he is going to whip up. He and I will have to take a trip up to the Asian market to get some goods.

Here is the culprit that has been making poor Liam's face slobbery and chapped. One down 19 to go! (I hope the other ones aren't this crooked. Better start saving for those braces now.)


Kelli said...

Aiden got the same one 2 days ago and the other front one popped out the next day! Still trying to get a pic...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Liam!!!! Ellie is completely envious of that tooth. I think we may have to go purchase some baby dentures. No sign of teeth ANYWHERE!

Laurie and Travis said...

OUCH!! That first one is a doozie, hopefully he'll get a break before more join the party! Also, Jack's eczema always appears when he's tired, stressed, cutting a tooth, etc. too. Liam's chapped cheeks are just eczema patches he'll probably grow out of, but it'll keep them nice and moist if you can smear aquaphor ointment on them. TOTALLY random aside, but would you mind emailing me when you get a chance? I have a favor to ask.

Laurie and Travis said...

sorry, laurie at goodhappenings dot com.