Sunday, February 3, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year (almost)

We had our Chinese New Year celebration last night with our FCC group. As you can see our daughter had so much fun. We had the hall decorated like a Chinese city street with lights, we had a dragon dance, story time, crafts, pictures, and lots of food. We have a fairly large group with kids of all ages. It is so cool to see all of the Asian children together. It is nice to have a support group for our kids. It is also nice to be around other adoptive parents too. I love to see how these parents incorporate their child's native country and celebrate it. I want my daughter to be proud of who she is and where she came from. In this picture she is dancing and making noise to wake the sleeping dragon for the new year. She was just shaking her booty and waving around her noise maker like crazy. I was telling my mom that next year we will have our son and be celebrating Tet too. I am excited to learn more about Vietnam's traditons as well. We will have our first Tet celebration with our agency here in a couple of weeks. We will have such a mix of celebrations I hope we can keep em all straight. May God bless our new year to come and bring all our babies home soon!


blogtest said...

I wish my street looked like that, and my niece looked like her..oh wait, she does :P