Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Moving on down the number line

Well I got an e-mail from my agency that we will soon be moving to # 11 on the list. So atleast things are moving. I went to a support group for adoptive/foster care families. I have to say I really enjoyed it. We talked about lifebooks and why they are important. I also got a lot of tips on composing one too. It is so nice to be able to talk with other adoptive parents. I feel like I can relate so much with them. Raising children in general has commonalities but us adoptive parents (and more importantly our kids) have specific needs. I feel like I will be able to better parent my children using the resources given to me at these meetings. Not only do we get to talk about adoption issues (challenges and joys) but our kids get to spend time with other adoptees. I think this is so important. I have talked with older adoptees and some didn't have this and wish they had. If you are an adoptive parent or soon to be, join a group for you and your kid(s). I'm so thankful to have these groups to go to.


Jodi said...


I am so glad things are moving for you! Find happiness in the little things! That is my life's mantra.
Keep us posted!

Looks like the New Year was a blast!


jonnyluxa said...

I think support groups are really important for all too.