Last Night My friend Kari had a "Mommy's night in" at her house. We have a friend who has been given some stressful info lately (which I will keep private). So some friends of mine decided to watch a girly movie eat some junk and de-stress. I LOVE being a stay at home mom but it is so good to get out with the girls evey once in a while. So Jade and John had a Jade and Daddy night. Jade loves to go bye, bye. So when she wanted to go last night Daddy took her to Walmart. When I came home I noticed chips on the counter (which I never buy) and two huge bags of big legos. (This is a treat because we are on one income and a very tight budget). I always joke that we would be naked if the Grandparents didn't get us clothes. John said Jade could not wait to bust open those blocks.
Oh really, looks like daddy couldn't wait to open them. Who were these really bought for!
FUN!!! For everyone - mommy and a night to herself and Jade & Daddy! I'm only two months into the gig and I can see why mommies love a just a little time alone. I never fully realized I wouldn't even be able to go to the bathroom alone again! :) Very cute photos! I hope everything works out for your friend; it's nice that she has you and in her life to be there when she needs support.
Now those are some legos! What a cutie!
Ah yes, boys and their toys! I am sure Jade loved them too!
Blockapalooza! It always seem like the simplest of toys are the most fun.
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