Thursday, March 13, 2008

Chicago's Chinatown

Well I survived the night only being kicked a few times. I don't think I would have been at all except at about 3 am I rolled over and the bed was wet. You know what that means, the easy up leaked . So I had to lift Jade up to put a towel and different sheet under us. It was hard for her to get back to sleep without moving all over and kicking her feet. So I ended up at the foot of the bed. My husband got a kick, no pun intended, out of seeing me all scrunched up at the end of the bed this morning. After John got back from school we made it over to Chinatown. I have to admit it is a lot cooler than ours at home. I felt like I was back in China, except everything in China is cheaper. I love Asian architecture and art. Jade had so much fun being in the stroller outside since we haven't been out at all lately. She kept telling us where to go. She kept saying, "This way, this way." and pointing where to go. Here are a few pics. Tomorrow we will visit the aquarium and then it's back to Ohio.

Year of the Rooster!
Had to represent for my boy.
Yum, Pho!!


Meredith said...

Looks like fun! Have a safe trip home!

LaLa said...

We love Chicago's Chinatown too but yeah, not quite as cheap as China huh?? glad you are having fun!

Kelli said...

Have fun at the aquarium!